Works of Art, Antiques, Ancient and Asian Art 2023-10-10 Auction - 611 Price Results - Hermann Historica GmbH in Bavaria
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A bronze statuette of a woman with a crescent moon, Neo-Elamite, 8th - 7th century B.C.Bronze statuette of a man with a dagger, Neo-Elamite, 8th - 7th century B.C.Bronze statue of a woman with a vessel on her head, Bactrian, late 3rd - early 2nd millenium B.C.
Grasbrunn / Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Auction Details

Works of Art, Antiques, Ancient and Asian Art

Our auction "Works of Art & Antiquities, Ancient & Asian Art" includes 616 lots and will be auctioned in our auction rooms in Grasbrunn near Munich. The auction will take place on Tuesday, October 10, 2023.
Lot Number: Lowest